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Hinweis: Wir haben auch eine deutsche Version für diesen Artikel.

Prospective students

Are you interested in studying Mathematics or Computer Science? Whether you are a teacher or a specialist student, we are happy to provide you with information and advice and answer your questions about the process, content and entry into the program.

The best thing is to come by during our attendance times - see Contact & Attendance - and you will meet a nice student who can help you!

We can tell you what it's like to study at our department, what to expect in the beginning lectures, and what it's like to study and work at a university. We will also be happy to tell you why Münster is a great city to study in and answer any questions you may have about quality of life, choosing a place to live, and so on.

If you can't come by, you can also reach us by phone (0251/83-33713) or by e-mail. We are looking forward to your questions!

Zuletzt am 22.02.2024 um 21:04 aktualisiert.