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Hinweis: Wir haben auch eine deutsche Version für diesen Artikel.

Master Meet & Greet

Are you about to start your Master's degree at the University of Münster, but don't quite know what to expect? Then our Master Meet & Greet is just right for you!

After a short presentation of the degree program by the student council, you will have the opportunity to get in touch with other Master's students from our department over snacks and drinks. Please bring your own cups! You can also seek advice from members of the student council and official representatives of the department. The exact date for the winter term is usually during the orientation week and shortly before the commencement of lectures in the summer term.

As the MSc Mathematics programme is offered in English, we offer separate welcome events for the MSc Mathematics and all other Master's programmes at the department. Please find the exact date for the next Master Meet & Greet below.

Date: Monday, 30 September 2024 2:30 pm
Duration of presentations: about 1 hour
Location: Lecture Hall M1, Einsteinstraße 64
Presentation room: Lecture Hall M4, M5 or M6 (assignment of study programs takes place on the day itself)
Meet & Greet room: Foyer and Seminar room SR0 on the ground floor of the Maths high-rise (Einsteinstraße 62)

If you missed out on the event, you can have a look at the slides we used down below. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Finally, a note on the orientation week:
Unfortunately, we cannot offer a separate O-Week for the Master's program. Therefore, you are cordially invited to the social events of the Bachelor O-Week.

Zuletzt am 30.09.2024 um 15:58 aktualisiert.
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