Please note that the number of total participants is limited to 100. The number of seats in the Hands-on Sessions is limited to 50. To secure a seat, you are advised to register early.

Registration fee is 150 Euro for regular participants and 100 Euro for students. The registration includes

  • access to the scientific program

  • voucher for lunch in the university canteen (Mensa)

  • coffee and cookies during the breaks

  • Snacks and beverages during the poster session

Furthermore on Thursday evening a Conference Dinner will take place.

Upon registration, you are invited to submit an abstract for the conference. You may do so by using the upload function in the registration form or by sending it via Email to the conference office until February 01, 2020. Each participant is encouraged to apply for a contributed talk (20 min) or to present a poster during the scientific program. Contributions will be selected for presentation by the organizers. Please prepare your abstract with a standard text program for which we offer the following templates: LaTeX, MS Word (docx), OpenOffice and submit it as a pdf file.

The registration will close on February 01, 2020