Hendrik Kleikamp (Disputation): Parametrized optimal control and transport-dominated problems: Reduced basis methods, nonlinear reduction strategies and data-driven surrogates

Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium / Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Jessica Fintzen (Universität Bonn): Representations of p-adic groups

Vortrag im Rahmen des Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Kolloquiums Abstract: An explicit understanding of the (category of all smooth, complex) representations of p-adi...

Ko Aoki (MPI Bonn): Solidification of algebraic K-theory

Abstract: Clausen?Scholze's condensed mathematics provides a framework for doing homological algebra in the presence of topology. A key notion is solidifica...

Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik: Judith Lutz (Münster): Rational Witt Spaces and Diamonds - Part I

Dr. Jan Burczak (University of Leipzig): Euler-driven scalar anomalous dissipation

Scalar anomalous dissipation is a phenomenon in fluid dynamics, when a quantity advected by a fluid (say, density of pollution particles advected by a water cur...

Robin Sroka: K-theory, scissors congruence and dynamics. Oberseminar C*-Algebren.

Two polytopes in Euclidean n-space are called scissors congruent if one can be cut into finitely many polytopic pieces that can be rearranged by Euclidean isome...

Oberseminar Stochastik: Zsuzsanna Baran (University of Cambridge): TBA


Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Zsuzsanna Baran (University of Cambridge): Phase transition for random walks on graphs with an added weighted random matching

Recently there is an increasing interest in studying the mixing properties of random walks on random graphs, and there have been multiple recent results proving...