Oberseminar p-adische Arithmetik: Vector bundles in the v-topology and Sen theory: Lucas Mann: Description of v-vector bundles via Hodge-Tate stacks

Tea Seminar: Benjamin Brück (University of Muenster): Top-degree cohomology in the symplectic group of a number ring

I will indicate how one can use Tits buildings to show that the "top-degree" cohomology of Sp_2n(R), the symplectic group over a number ring R, depends on the n...

Jack Kelly (University of Oxford): Derived analytic geometry as bornological algebraic geometry

In this talk I will explain how derived analytic geometry, both Archimedean and non-Archimedean, can be realised as algebraic geometry relative to the monoidal ...

Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie: Marius Müller (Universität Augsburg), Vortrag: Short closed geodesics and the Willmore energy

In this talk we study the relation between two geometric quantities for smooth closed 2d-surfaces ? ? the Willmore bending energy W (?) and the minimal length ...

Imke Franzmeier and new Cluster members: MM Cluster FAQs and MM Arrival talks

Join this MM Connect to meet new Cluster members and to get answers and ask questions to lots of Cluster-related topics Arrival Talks by Gayrat Toshpulatov, Fl...

Bastian Müller (Disputation): Optimal transport for stationary point processes

Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz (Universität Hamburg): ?Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik mit generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz??

Kolloquium über Geschichte und Didakik der Mathematik

Vorstellung der (Projekt-)Seminare der Informatik im SoSe 2025

Wie in jedem Semester gibt es eine Kurzvorstellung der Projektseminare und Seminare des Folgesemesters, um sich aus dem Angebot das Interessanteste und Passend...