Frau Dr. Kristina Wensing, Mathematics Münster

Member of Mathematics Münster

Early career support
Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster

Mathematics Münsters wants to support their early career researchers not only in their scientific competence but also on a personal level. Please speak to Kristina Wensing, if you have questions, need support or have ideas for improvements, e.g.:

  • early career measures at MM
  • reflecting your progress and personal feedback
  • questions regarding your PhD or postdoc at the Cluster of Excellence
  • MM Connect
  • ideas and wishes for improving the early career support
  • applications

Office hours: Mon - Tue & Thu - Fri 8.30 - 15.00

Current PublicationsHollis B, Koppik M, Wensing KU, Ruhmann H, Genzoni E, Erkosar B, Kawecki TJ, Fricke C, Keller L Sexual conflict drives male manipulation of female postmating responses in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Vol. 116 (17), 2019, pp 8437-8444 online
Wensing KU, Fricke C Divergence in sex peptide-mediated female post-mating responses in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Vol. 285 (1886), 2018 online
Phone+49 251 83-36898
Secretary   Sekretariat Exzellenzcluster
Frau Carolin Gietz
Telefon +49 251 83-36900
Zimmer 100.023 a
Bürozeiten täglich ab 08:00
AddressFrau Dr. Kristina Wensing
Mathematics Münster
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Orléans-Ring 10
48149 Münster
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