Frau Prof. Dr. Ursula Ludwig, Mathematisches Institut

Member of CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity
Member of Mathematics Münster
Investigator in Mathematics Münster
Private Homepage
Research InterestsAnalysis, Topology and Geometry of Singular Spaces
Global Analysis (local index techniques, secondary invariants)
Morse Theory
Project membership
Mathematics Münster

B: Spaces and Operators

B1: Smooth, singular and rigid spaces in geometry
Current PublicationsLudwig, Ursula Bismut-Zhang theorem and anomaly formula for the Ray-Singer metric for spaces with isolated conical singularities. , 2022 online
Ludwig, Ursula An extension of a theorem by Cheeger and Müller to spaces with isolated conical singularities. Duke Mathematical Journal Vol. 169 (13), 2020, pp 2501-2570 online
Ludwig, Ursula An index formula for the intersection {Euler} characteristic of an infinite cone. Mathematische Zeitschrift Vol. 296 (1-2), 2020, pp 99-126 online
Current ProjectsSFB 1442: Geometrie: Deformation und Rigidität - B07: Analytische und typologische Torsion

In this project we study analytic and topological torsion using analytic, topological and arithmetic tools and ideas: In the first subproject we will generalise the Cheeger-Müller comparison theorem of torsion to spaces with wedge singularities. In the second subproject we initiate the study of higher analytic and topological torsion for singular fibrations. In the third subproject we will establish a formula for special values of certain Ruelle zeta functions in analogy with conjectured formulas in arithmetic geometry.

Quantization, Singularities and Holomorphic Dynamics

The goal of the team brought together in this project is to bundle our expertise with the aim of making important contributions to a number of fundamental problems and conjectures in Quantization, Holomorphic Dynamics and Foliation Theory. We will exhibit and exploit the deep ties between these areas and bring them to bear on diverse open questions. Our goal is to provide fresh perspectives and novel problem-solving strategies to encompass these fields and in the long-term to foster in the wider research community a stronger unification of these parts of mathematics.Using as a cornerstone the development of the theory of currents in the complex setting and of the Bergman/Szegö kernel (including L^2 methods) and their systematic exploitation in the study of a number of topics, we address the following interrelated questions: commutation of quantization and reduction on Kähler spaces and Cauchy-Riemann manifolds; hamiltonian actions; quantization of the space of Kähler potentials and of adapted complex structures; Bergman kernel asymptotics, analytic torsion, Newlander-Nirenberg theorem on complex spaces; singularities and accumulation points of a leaf of a holomorphic foliation, especially with non-hyperbolic singularities; unique ergodicity for singular holomorphic foliations; quantitative counting of dynamical phenomena for holomorphic dynamical systems, both in the phase and parameter spaces; equidistribution of zeros of random holomorphic sections.

RTG 2553: Symmetries and classifying spaces: analytic, arithmetic and derived

The study of symmetries and classification of geometric objects lies at the heart of mathematics and of algebraic geometry in all of its flavors: classical algebraic geometry, complex geometry, arithmetic geometry, derived algebraic geometry and other areas at the border between algebraic geometry, analysis and topology. This is a very active subject that has made substantial progress in the past years, e.g., the theory of perfectoid spaces, a better understanding of the Langlands programme and of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, and new results on the minimal model programme. New tools are developing quickly and further break-throughs can be expected in the future. For young mathematicians this is a promising field in which to start one’s career. In view of the difficulty and the breadth of the methods, it is particularly useful for PhD students to study and work in an environment where expertise in many of the different approaches to the subject is available. At Essen, we can offer such a stimulating environment, supporting PhD students in the transitional phase between student and researcher, and enabling them to enter a fascinating area of mathematics. Our research will focus on groups and classifying spaces in a broad sense, fruitfully combining two closely related topics. This includes complex and p-adic Lie groups, algebraic groups and Galois groups, their actions on varieties and related spaces and representation theoretic questions with a link to geometric problems, as well as moduli spaces, deformation spaces, and classifying spaces in the strict sense. Symmetries and classifying spaces are often closely linked: moduli spaces are frequently constructed as quotients; the objects being parameterized might carry a group structure (abelian varieties) or be related to a group (G-bundles); cohomology of moduli spaces provides interesting representations. In the qualification programme, our goal is to provide students with enough freedom to develop their own ideas and become, step by step, more independent, and to provide enough guidance to promote an effective use of their time and to ensure their work has a significant perspective going beyond the PhD thesis, in an environment that allows them to concentrate fully on mathematics.

EXC 2044 - B1: Smooth, singular and rigid spaces in geometry Many interesting classes of Riemannian manifolds are precompact in the Gromov-Hausdorfftopology. The closure of such a class usually contains singular metric spaces. Understanding thephenomena that occur when passing from the smooth to the singular object is often a first step toprove structure and finiteness results. In some instances one knows or expects to define a smoothRicci flow coming out of the singular objects. If one were to establishe uniqueness of the flow, thedifferentiable stability conjecture would follow. If a dimension drop occurs from the smooth to thesingular object, one often knows or expects that the collapse happens along singular Riemannianfoliations or orbits of isometric group actions.

Rigidity aspects of isometric group actions and singular foliations are another focus in this project.For example, we plan to establish rigidity of quasi-isometries of CAT(0) spaces, as well as rigidity oflimits of Type III Ricci flow solutions and of positively curved manifolds with low-dimensional torusactions.We will also investigate area-minimising hypersurfaces by means of a canonical conformal completionof the hypersurface away from its singular set. online
E-Mailursula dot ludwig at uni-muenster dot de
Phone+49 251 83-33704
Secretary   Sekretariat Dierkes
Frau Gabi Dierkes
Telefon +49 251 83-33730
Zimmer 414
AddressFrau Prof. Dr. Ursula Ludwig
Mathematisches Institut
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster
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