Prof. Dr. David Kerr, Mathematisches Institut

Member of Mathematics Münster
Investigator in Mathematics Münster
Private Homepage
Research InterestsOperator algebras
Ergodic theory
Selected PublicationsKerr D, Li H Ergodic Theory: Independence and Dichotomies. , 2016 online
Kerr D Dimension, comparison, and almost finiteness. J. Eur. Math. Soc. Vol. 22, 2020 online
Kerr D, Li H Entropy and the variational principle for actions of sofic groups. Invent. Math. Vol. 186, 2011 online
Kerr D, Li H Entropy, Shannon orbit equivalence, and sparse connectivity. Mathematische Annalen Vol. 380, 2021 online
Conley C, Jackson S, Kerr D, Marks A, Seward B, Tucker-Drob R Følner tilings for actions of amenable groups. Math. Ann. Vol. 371, 2018 online
Kerr D, Li H Soficity, amenability, and dynamical entropy.. Amer. J. Math. Vol. 135, 2013 online
Brannan M, Kerr D Quantum groups, property (T), and weak mixing. Comm. Math. Phys. Vol. 360, 2018 online
Project membership
Mathematics Münster

B: Spaces and Operators

B3: Operator algebras & mathematical physics
Current PublicationsKerr D, Li H Entropy, products, and bounded orbit equivalence. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems Vol. TBA, 2022 online
Kerr D, Tucker-Drob R Dynamical alternating groups, stability, property Gamma, and inner amenability. Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) Vol. TBA, 2022 online
Kerr D, Li H Entropy, Shannon orbit equivalence, and sparse connectivity. Mathematische Annalen Vol. 380, 2021 online
Kerr D Dimension, comparison, and almost finiteness. J. Eur. Math. Soc. Vol. 22, 2020 online
Kerr D, Szabó G Almost finiteness and the small boundary property. Comm. Math. Phys. Vol. 374, 2020 online
Conley C, Jackson S, Kerr D, Marks A, Seward B, Tucker-Drob R Følner tilings for actions of amenable groups. Math. Ann. Vol. 371, 2018 online
Brannan M, Kerr D Quantum groups, property (T), and weak mixing. Comm. Math. Phys. Vol. 360, 2018 online
Current ProjectsCRC 1442: Geometry: Deformation and Rigidity - D04: Entropy, orbit equivalence, and dynamical tilings

This project aims to advance the theory of rigidity and classification for Bernoulli actions of general groups with respect to orbit equivalence and its quantitative strengthenings. One overarching problem is to determine the extent to which the boundary between rigid and flexible behaviour is reflected in geometric or analytic properties of the group, and specifically, whether such properties intervene in questions of entropy invariance under Shannon orbit equivalence.

CRC 1442: Geometry: Deformation and Rigidity - D05: C*-algebras, groups, and dynamics: beyond amenability

Our project will explore the regularity properties of non-nuclear C*-algebras, with a particular emphasis on stable rank one and strict comparison. We focus on two main classes of examples: C*-algebras associated with non-amenable groups and crossed product C*-algebras arising from non-amenable actions on compact Hausdorff spaces. We intend to leverage dynamical tools, including dynamical comparison and the structure of topological full groups.

EXC 2044 - B3: Operator algebras & mathematical physics The development of operator algebras was largely motivated by physics since they provide the right mathematical framework for quantum mechanics. Since then, operator algebras have turned into a subject of their own. We will pursue the many fascinating connections to (functional) analysis, algebra, topology, group theory and logic, and eventually connect back to mathematical physics via random matrices and non-commutative geometry. online
Phone+49 251 83-32672
Secretary   Elke Enning
Frau Elke Enning
Telefon +49 251 83-33088
Fax +49 251 83-32708
Zimmer 402
AddressProf. Dr. David Kerr
Mathematisches Institut
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster
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