Dr. Johannes Thürigen, Mathematisches Institut

Member of Mathematics Münster

I am a DFG funded researcher in the Mathematical Physics group interested in renormalization and its algebraic structure in quantum field theory, in particular combinatorially non-local theories with applications to random geometry and quantum gravity. You can find more information here .

Research InterestsTensor/Group field theory
Renormalization and Hopf algebras
Renormalization group
Quantum gravity
Current TalksAnisotropic Fixed Points in Tensorial Phase Space. QFT Seminar, TPI Jena Link to event
Approaching Continuum Geometry Dynamically: The Full Large-N Phase Space of Melonic Interactions. Workshop "3D maps", Paris
Wave Function Renormalizations in Non-Local Field Theories. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024, Berlin Slides Link to event
The Phase Space of Field Theories with Tensorial Interactions. Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure, Center for Advanced Studies, LMU München
4D Geometry Generated by Combinatorially Non-local Field Theory. Quantum Gravity 2023, Nijmegen Slides Link to event
Quantum Geometry & the Functional Renormalization Group in Tensorial Field Theory. QFT Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, FSU Jena Link to event
What numbers in combinatorially non-local field theory?. Period Seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Flowing from Tensor Field Theory to Tensor Models. Quantum Gravity and Random Geometry, Paris Slides Link to event
Three Ways to Mean-Field Group Field Theory. Quantum gravity, hydrodynamics and emergent cosmology, München Link to event
Current PublicationsBen Geloun, J; Pithis, A; Thürigen, J QFT with Tensorial and Local Degrees of Freedom: Phase Structure from Functional Renormalization. Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol. 65, 2024 online
Hock, A; Thürigen, J Combinatorial Dyson-Schwinger Equations of Quartic Matrix Field Theory. , 2024 online
Juliano, L; Thürigen, J New Fixed Points from Melonic Interactions. , 2024 online
Marchetti, L; Oriti, D; Pithis, A; Thürigen, J Phase transitions in TGFT: a Landau-Ginzburg analysis of Lorentzian quantum geometric models. Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) Vol. 02, 2023 online
Marchetti, L; Oriti, D; Pithis, A; Thürigen, J Mean-Field Phase Transitions in TGFT Quantum Gravity. Physical Review Letters Vol. 130, 2023 online
Jercher, A; Steinhaus, S; Thürigen, J Curvature effects in the spectral dimension of spin foams. Physical Review D (PRD) Vol. 108, 2023 online
Brunekreef, J; Lionni, L; Thürigen, J One-matrix differential reformulation of two-matrix models. Reviews in Mathematical Physics Vol. 34 (08), 2022 online
Pithis AG, Thürigen J (No) phase transition in tensorial group field theory. Physics Letters B Vol. 816, 2021, pp 136215 online
Thürigen, J Renormalization in Combinatorially Non-Local Field Theories: the BPHZ Momentum Scheme. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications Vol. 17, 2021 online
E-Mailjohannes dot thuerigen at uni-muenster dot de
Phone+49 251 83-33905
Room306, OR 12
Secretary   Sekretariat Dierkes
Frau Gabi Dierkes
Telefon +49 251 83-33730
Zimmer 414
AddressDr. Johannes Thürigen
Mathematisches Institut
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster
Einsteinstrasse 62
48149 Münster
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