Elke Thiele

Uniformly finite homology and amenable groups (Matthias Blank, Uni Regensburg)

Tuesday, 29.10.2013 10:30 im Raum SR 1C

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: Uniformly finite homology is a coarse invariant for metric spaces; in particular, it is a quasi-isometry invariant for finitely generated groups. We give a general introduction to uniformly finite homology and discuss its relation to homology with l∞-coefficients. Then, we present an overview about known applications, in particular regarding questions about amenability and rigidity of groups. Finally, we present our calculation of uniformly finite homology of many amenable groups. http://wwwmath.uni-muenster.de/u/ag_kramer/index.php?name=TSWS13&menu=teesemi&lang=de

Angelegt am 28.10.2013 von Elke Thiele
Geändert am 29.10.2013 von Elke Thiele
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