Past Meetings
Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 22nd-23rd October 2015, Osnabrück
- Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 26-27th March 2015, Münster
- 4th SPP Symposium, 29th Sept - 2nd Oct 2014, Schloss Noer near Kiel
- Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 7-8th Aug 2014, Mainz
(jointly with SIP Annual Meeting, 3rd-8th Aug 2014, Mainz) - Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 10-11th March 2014, Osnabrück
- Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 28th-29th Nov 2013, Göttingen
- 3rd SPP Symposium, 29th August - 2nd September 2013, Berlin
- Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 18th-19th July 2013, IEB Münster
- Workshop "Antimicrobial peptides and their Evolution", 11th-13th March 2013, Schloss Rauischholzhausen (Giessen)
- Bacillus Cluster Meeting, 14th-15th March 2013, Schloss Rauischholzhausen
- Nosema Workshop, 29th-30th January 2013, IEB Münster
- Bacillus Cluster Meeting 18th & 19th October 2012, Kiel
- Grant Proposal Colloquium 16th-17th April 2012, Münster
- Winter school 27.-29. February 2012 & Bacillus thuringiensis Cluster Meeting 1.-2. March 2012
- 3rd Workshop of the Bacillus cluster, July 2011, Kiel
- 2nd SPP Symposium 25th-27th May 2011, Berlin
- 2nd Workshop of the Bacillus cluster, Januar 2011, Münster
- 1st Bioinformatics Workshop, 1st-3rd December 2010, Rothenberge (Münster)
- 1st Workshop of the Bacillus cluster, June 2010, Münster
- 1st SPP Symposium and Workshop 24th - 27th February 2010, Kiel