Evolution of Meaning – A Workshop on the Evolutionary Biology of Communication

June 11, 2015
Seminar room on the ground floor in the Kavaliershäuschen (Schlossplatz 6)

Together with ETT-Fellow Mitchell Green the MGSE organized a workshop on the evolutionary biology of communication on 11 June 2015 in the Kavaliershäuschen. The workshop comprised keynote lectures as well as disucssion groups and brought together philosophers and biologists to share basic concepts and hypotheses on, e.g., how and why do signals evolve or what role do intention, cognitive states and normativity play in the evolution of communication.

Keynote lectures

  • 10.15: Prof. Dr. Mitchell Green (University of Conneticut, USA)
    "Organic Meaning: An Account of the Origins of Semanticity with Minimal Appeal to Minds"
  • 17.00: Prof. Dr. Klaudia Witte (University of Siegen, Germany)
    "How and Why Social Information Matters in Sexual Selection"



This Workshop was financially supported by

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