Discussion Club
The Discussion Club provides a meeting place for casual discussion on broad topics of evolution and science in general. Participants choose topics for discussion by themselves. The main idea is to facilitate discussion between people from different fields to strengthen our understanding of evolution while having a good time. Find the date and reading material for the next meeting in the event list and join us. Everybody is welcome!
Discussion format
We meet every three weeks to discuss the chosen topic. Everybody is welcome to propose (usually three) the topics, by suggesting reading material, from which participants choose which to discuss. Reading material can be almost anything connected to evolution: an internet blog that intrigued you, an interesting new method that you encountered, a chapter in a book that you did not understand, or a draft of a manuscript that you are working on.
We always need new topics to discuss! Please get in contact with Marko Bračić (bracic@uni-muenster.de) to propose reading material.
Venue: Seminar room, Hüfferstr. 1a
Next Discussion Club Meeting:
Monday, 25.03.2019, 12 noon
Topics: Genome sequencing for sale & What came first, cells or viruses?
Past Meetings:
Date |
Topic(s) |
25 February 2019 | Evolutionary Oncology & Species Concept and Cancer |
5 December 2018 | Use DNA for Digital Storage? |
14 November 2018 | Behavioral Microbioms: A Multi-Dimensial Approach to Microbial Influence on Behavior |
22 October 2018 | How Does Variation in the Environment and Individual Cognition Explain the Existence of Constant Behavioral Differences? |
Book Club
In the past, the MGSE hosted several book clubs. Information on discussed books and the syllabus may be found here.