© Uni MS - MGSE

The Growth of the Evolutionary Thought

Public lecture series

"The Growth of the Evolutionary Thought" is an interdisciplinary lecture series dealing with aspects of Evolution within the disciplines Biology, Medicine, Geosciences, and Philosophy. It provides an in-depth introduction to the history and philosophy of evolutionary science.

The lecture series is also part of the Advanced Module (Fortgeschrittenenmodul) "The Growth of the Evolutionary Thought" for MSc and PhD students. More information

Timetable winter semester 2024/25

Tuesdays, 16.00 - 17.15 in lecture hall of the Institute for Evolution & Biodiversity (Hüfferstraße 1)





Ruth Archer 

University of Ulm

Bumblebees in a changing world


Nicolas Rohner

University of Münster, Cell Biology & Physiology

Metabolic Adaptation to Nutrient Limitation in Vertebrates

Bharat Ravi

University of Münster, Evolution & Biodiversity

Modeling the de novo evolution of protein coding genes

Rebecca Rimbach

University of Münster, Neuro- & Behavioral Biology

Energy expenditure constraints: from mice to humans

Eva Shultner

University of Regensburg

Phenotypic plasticity in an ant with four morphs
10.12.2024 Aoife McLysaght


Polyploidy and rediploidisation in stressful times -ONLINE!!!

Ellen Ketterson

University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA

What do Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior have in common? The organism in the middle - ONLINE!!!

Arnaud Le Rouszic

Université Paris-Saclay

Evolution of robustness and plasticity in complex genetic architectures

Joe Hoffman

Bielefeld University

Understanding mutational load dynamics in wild populations

Christan Kost

University of Osnabrück

Multilevel selection favors the evolution of mutualistic cooperation within microbial communities

The Lectures are held in the lecture hall of the Institute for Evolution & Biodiversity (Hüfferstraße 1) and online via zoom (link upon request: Pete Czuppon)

Programme Winter Semester 2024/25