Prof. em. Hans-Dieter Görtz

Professor (retired) – Biology Institute,
University of Stuttgart




  • 2002 - 2005
    Coordinator and Advisor, German University in Cairo for Biotechnology and Pharmacy;
  • 2002 - 2004
    President German Society of Protozoology;
  • 2000 - 2001
    Dean of the Faculty of Geo- and Biosciences;
  • 1995 - 1999
    Managing Editor European Journal of Protistology;
  • 1992
    Professor and Chair, Biological Institute, University Stuttgart; teaching in "Technische Biologie" (Technical Biology) and "Umweltschutztechnik" (Environm. Technology);
  • 1985
    Associate Professor (C2) University of Münster;
  • 1983
    Habilitation Zoology;
  • 1975
    Dr. rer. nat. (advisor Prof. Dr. Klaus Heckmann);
  • 1973
    Research Assistant (Wissensch. Assistent);
  • 1966
    Studies in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at the University of Münster


Scientific expertise:

Intracellular infections and symbioses of ciliates and bacteria, protistology, parasitology, cell biology, evolutionary biology.

Research interest:

Diversity and phylogeny of bacteria endosymbionts in protists, namely Holosporaceae and related families of alpha-proteobacteria. Symbiosis, interaction of bacterial symbionts and its host protists, cell biology of invasion processes. Evolution and population biology of Paramecium and its symbionts.
Publications (selected)

Ferrantini, F., Fokin, S.I., Modeo, L., Andreoli, I., Dini, F., Görtz, HD., Verni, F., Petroni, G. (2009) ‘Candidatus Cryptoprodotis polytropus’, a Novel Rickettsia-like Organism in the Ciliated Protist Pseudomicrothorax dubius (Ciliophora, Nassophorea). J. Eukar. Microbiol. 56: 119-129

Eschbach, M., Pfannkuchen, M., Schweikert, M. Drutschmann, D., Brümmer, F., Fokin, S., Ludwig, W., Görtz, H.-D. (2009): Candidatus "Paraholospora nucleivisitans”, an intracellular bacterium in Paramecium sexaurelia shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus of its host. Sys. Appl. Microbiol. 32(7): 490-500.

Schrallhammer M, Galati S, Altenbuchner J, Schweikert M, Görtz HD, Petroni H (2012) Tracing the role of R-bodies in the killer trait: absence of toxicity of R-body producing recombinant E. coli on paramecia. Eur. J Protistol. 48, 290-296.
Reviews, book chapters

Görtz HD, Michel R (2003) Bacterial symbionts of protozoa – potential pathogens? In: Emerging Pathogens. Archaeology, Ecology & Evolution of infectious disease of emerging disease. Greenblatt, C. and Spigelman, M. (eds). Oxford University Press. Pp. 25-37.

Görtz HD, Schmidt HJ (2005) Holosporaceae, with genera incerta sedis Lyticum, Paracaedibacter, Pseudocaedibacter, Pseudolyticum, Tectibacter and Polynucleobacter. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol 2., 2nd ed., pp. 146 -160;

Garrity et al. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York. Kusch, J. and Görtz, H.-D. Towards an understanding of the killer trait: Caedibacter endocytobionts in Paramecium. In: Overmann, J., ed., Molecular Basis of Symbiosis. pp 61 - 76, Springer Verlag. 2005.

Görtz, HD, Fokin, SI (2009) Diversity of endosymbiotic bacteria in Paramecium. In: Fujishima, M. (ed.) Microbiological Monographs 12:131-160.

Görtz HD, Rosati G, Schweikter M, Schrallhammer M, Omura G, Suzaki T (2009) Microbial symbionts for defence and competition among ciliate hosts. In: J.F. White and Torres, M.S. (eds), Defensive Mutualism in Microbial Symbiosis, Mycology Vol. 27, CRC Press, Taylor& Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp. 45-64.

Görtz HD (2010) Microbial infections in free-living protozoa. Crit Rev Immunol, 30, 95-106. Schweikert M, Fujishima M,

Görtz HD (2013) Symbiotic Associations between Ciliates and Prokaryotes. In: Rosenberg E. et al (eds.; 2013) The Prokaryotes - Prokaryotic Biology and Symbiotic Associations. Springer, pp 427-458.

Görtz, H.-D. (ed.) Paramecium, Springer, 1988;

Görtz, H.-D. Formen des Zusammenlebens, Wiss. Verlagsbh., 1988;