

Beach walk with interesting facts about birds and beach dwellers from Professor Kurtz
Beach walk with interesting facts about birds and beach dwellers from Professor Kurtz
© Robert Peuß
  • Ant under the microscope for morphological species identification and dissection
    © Robert Peuß
  • Students catching sticklebacks at the "horse pond"
    © Robert Peuß
  • © Robert Peuß
  • Ejection of the fish trap to catch sticklebacks in the ‘horse pond’
    © Robert Peuß
  • Contracaecum spec., a parasite, found in the intestine of a stickleback
    © Julia Kompa
  • Students prepare the barbecue in the kitchen of the Hiddensee Biological Station.
    © Robert Peuß
  • Dissection of sticklebacks in the course room of the Hiddensee Biological Station
    © Robert Peuß
  • Nine spined stickleback, caugth at the "horse pond"
    © Marc Bauhus
  • Course participants observe birds at the ‘horse pond’
    © Robert Peuß
  • Boat trip to scout out possible sampling sites
    © Robert Peuß
  • Bike ride to the beach
    © Robert Peuß
  • © Robert Peuß
  • Students dissect the caught sticklebacks and screen them for parasites in the course room at the Hiddensee Biological Station
    © Robert Peuß
  • Sunset
    © Robert Peuß
  • Sunset over the sea
    © Robert Peuß
  • Sticklebacks caught at the harbour of Kloster (Hiddensee) in a bucket for transport to the biological station
    © Robert Peuß
  • Student working in the lab at the IEB Münster
    © Robert Peuß
  • Student netting for insects
    © Robert Peuß
  • Student netting for insects
    © Robert Peuß

The Animal Evolutionary Ecology group offers a variety of courses for Bachelor and Master students.

In the Bachelor's programme we offer lectures on animal evolution, ecology and population genetics. Besides this, we also offer a course on the evolutionary ecology of animals in the 5th semester, which includes an excursion to Hiddensee, where we teach basics on ecological fieldwork and standard molecular techniques within the context of our current research. 

In the Master's programme, we offer a module where we explore and study the Mediterranean fauna on Giglio, an island in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Italy. In addition to an accompanying seminar, we go snorkelling for 12 days and hiking to explore the local aquatic and terrestrial fauna. We further offer a module on Host-Parasite Coevolution, where we conduct experiments and provide theoretical knowledge to understand the arms rasces of hosts and parasites.


underwater selfie
underwater selfie
© David Boy
  • Leisure activities in the evening on the beach at Campese
    © Robert Peuß
  • © Robert Peuß
  • Polychaeta
    © Michael Jöst
  • Group photo after hiking to the summit
    © Robert Peuß
  • Campese beach, near the biological station
    © Robert Peuß
  • Student dives up snail shell from the seabed
    © Maja Drakula
  • Students on the beach with wetsuits borrowed from the Giglio Biological Station
    © Robert Peuß
  • Student dives down to seagrass bed
    © Maja Drakula
  • Afternoon together in the local ice cream parlour
    © David Boy
  • Preparation for snorkelling on Campese beach
    © Robert Peuß
  • Students in the water, last meeting before snorkelling
    © Robert Peuß
  • Determination exercise in the morning at the Giglio Biological Station
    © David Boy
  • Seminar in the course room of the Giglio Biological Station
    © Robert Peuß
  • Start of the snorkelling trip
    © Robert Peuß
  • Student dives above seagrass meadow
    © Maja Drakula
  • Tour with rented scooters on the day off
    © David Boy
  • © Robert Peuß
  • Rock, covered with sea urchins
    © Annika Potthoff
  • Jump into the sea at Torre
    © Robert Peuß
  • © David Boy
  • Hike to the beach of Caldane
    © Robert Peuß
