- The Lutheran World Federation (Department for Theology and Studies)
www.lutheranworld.org - Community of Protestant Churches in Europe
www.leuenberg.net - European Society for Philosophy of Religion
www.philosophy-of-religion.org - Inter University Center Dubrovnik
www.iuc.hr - University of Sarajevo
www.unisa.ba - University of Zadar (Prof. Dr. Jure Zovko)
http://personal.unizd.hr/~jzovko/ - Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong
www.lts.edu - The Myanmar Institute of Theology (MIT), Rangun
www.mitheology.net - Sabah Theological Seminary, Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia)
www.stssabah.org - Forschungsverbund Religion und Konflikt
www.religion-und-konflikt.de - Research project “In-Visibilis. Visibility and Transcendence in Religion, Art and Ethics, Faculty of Theology, University of Kopenhagen
www.teol.ku.dk/english/dept/invisibilis - Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics in premodern and modern times”, University of Münster
www.uni-muenster.de/Religion-und-Politik - Mohr Siebeck (publisher), Tübingen
www.mohr.de - Evangelische Verlagsanstalt (publisher), Leipzig