
Yearbook of Westphalian Church History (JWKG)

The “Verein für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte e.V.“ publishes once a year a book called Yearbook of Westphalian Church History. It includes scientific essays and reviews. All members of the “Verein für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte” receive a free edition.

The collection published in 1989 covers 90 years of church history from 1899 until 1989. Here you can find a new copy of the current collection. [Download only available in German.]

Further information about the yearbook to be found on the homepage of the “Verein für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte”

Contributions to Westphalian Church History (BWFKG, the red volumes)

More detailed monographies are published in “Contributions to Westphalian Church History”. This is published by the “Verein für Westfälische Kirchengeschichte” in cooperation with the Head office of the Protestant Church of Westphalia.

One of the most recent “red volumes” is the publication of a dissertation written in supervision of the Institute of Westphalian Church History: Hans-Martin Thimme, "August Rauschenbusch (1816-1899). Lutherischer Pfarrer in Westfalen und baptistischer Dozent in Amerika", BWFKG 33, Bielefeld 2008.

Further information about these red volumes can be found on the homepage: