Jewish studies

Study offerings

Within the different study programmes  of the Faculty of Protestant Theology, the IJD offers regular courses within the field of Jewish studies. This spectrum of courses starts with ancient Judaism: You will study different Jewish texts (Qumran, the Pseudepigrapha, Hellenistic-Jewish authors) and material artefacts (e.g. synagogues or sepulchral culture). You will also learn to read the New Testament within its religious-historical context.

Another focus is on rabbinic Judaism. This includes regular lectures about rabbinic literature (e.g. Mishnah, Tosefta, and Midraschim).

Of course, we deal also with contemporary Judaism: language courses and lectures offer insights into lived Judaism of present times, as well as into the language and culture of Israel. The Ivrit courses also prepare for a study stay in Israel. Apart from regular course offerings, single or multiple day excursions to different places of Jewish life in Germany or abroad are possible.


Jewish studies

Jewish studies play a role in the various degree progammes of:

  • Protestant Theology (Ecclesiastical Exam, Mag. Theol., teacher training programmes, Dr. theol. and PhD programmes)
  • Catholic Theology (BA Religious studies)
  • MA programme AKOEM of the Centre for Eastern Mediterranean History and Culture.


Biblical languages

Courses in Modern Hebrew (Ivrit) for beginners or advanced students are offered every term. It is always possible to start the sequence of courses in winter term. Courses in biblical languages (e.g. Hebrew and Greek) and courses about other biblical topics can be found within the course offerings of the Faculties of Protestant Theology and Catholic Theology.