Projects of GKM members in the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics ”

The GKM forms the basis of research in the field of antiquity in the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics". Here, many researchers are engaged and involved with projects who have been working together in the GKM for years. The significance of religion in the ancient societies of the Mediterranean region is thereby subjected to a comprehensive cultural-scientific re-evaluation in a contrastive comparative procedure. The political and economic functions of religion are as much the focus of interest as aspects of the history of mentality.

Ongoing research projects of GKM members in the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" (2019-2025)

Hans Beck & Sophia Nomicos "Belonging in/to Lakonia. An archaeohistorical study on the Sanctuary of Apollo at Amyklai and its surroundings"


Research Area A "Transcultural Intertwining and Disentanglement ”

Eve-Marie Becker: Cosmocracy and Pantocracy in Early Christianity (KoPaC): Roots, Functions, and Effects of Early Christian Governance Staging.

Lutz Doering: Transcultural entanglements and disentanglements in Jewish apocalypticism

Michael Grünbart: Deathscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean: memorial sites and their political instrumentalization in the Middle Ages

Katrin Kogman-Appel: Buildings change their identity: Iberia 711-1609

Clemens Leonhard: The Passover Haggadah. History of Text and Ritual - Digital Edition of Important Geniza Fragments

Achim Lichtenberger: Tradition and Innovation of Graeco-Phoenician Mythology and Cults in the Mirror of Imperial Coinage

Angelika Lohwasser: What are "state gods"? Kingship and Cult in Meroe (3rd century B.C. to 3rd century A.D.)

Christophe Nihan: Emergence and Transformations of Purity Concepts in Judaism of the Persian and Hellenistic Periods in the Context of the Ancient Mediterranean Area

Gesa Schenke: Abraham in Everyday Life. Lived and handed down religiosity in the Coptic tradition of the Testament of Abraham according to original codices of the 4th and 10th centuries

Engelbert Winter: Shield Euphrates? - Religious Diversity and Cultural Identity in the Roman Near East between Tradition and Construction


Research Field B "Religious Diversity and Legal-Political Unity ”

Hans Beck: Localism and Religion in Ancient Greece

Peter Funke: Civil War and Amnesty

Johannes Hahn: Integration and Exclusion of Religious Plurality in Christian Late Antiquity (4th-6th Century A.D.)

Rüdiger Schmitt: Conflict and Ritual in the Old Testament and its Environment

Patrick Sänger: Ephesus and its cult spaces: projections of political and religious practice


Research Area C "Criticism of Religion and Apology of Religion ”

Alexander Arweiler: Negotiation and Critique of Religious Evidential Claims in Epistolography between Fronto and Sidonius.

Syrinx von Hees: Transformations of the Burda: Political Dimensions of a Controversial Literary-Religious Discourse (13th-15th Centuries)

Johannes Schnocks: Conceptions of overcoming violence in the Old Testament and its reception

Holger Strutwolf: Theory of Variant Emergence on the Basis of an Open Digital Edition of the Greek New Testament