Zum Film:

"On the Way", produced by Jennifer Breitkreuz & Pawel Wita, for the Visual Anthropology Seminar 2013/14, taught and supervised by Thomas John and Arjang Omrani

This film was produced for the Seminar Visual Anthropology - The Practice of Documentary Filmmaking
at the Institut für Ethnologie (WWU Münster).

Zum Thema:
On the way (21 min.)
camera & editing: Jennifer Breitkreuz and Pawel Wita 2014
What is hitch-hiking? Is it just a cheap way to get from A to B?
We believe that it‘s much more than just commuting! It‘s a way of life, the feeling of exciting uncertainty and total freedom. For some moments, when you step into the car, you step into a different culture, the driver‘s culture and you experience him/her as a driver, as a person, as an individuum or as a part of a total system. Automatically you start to look for similarities, you try to find a common sense and you experience all the differences of each person on the road, on the way.

You can download the movie. Please click the right mouse button and choose “save file as”.