Thomas John, M.A.
Aktuelles und Informationen zur Sprechstunde
Die Veranstaltungen von Thomas John (088876 und 088881) müssen im WS 2024/25 leider ausfallen!
Folgt in Kürze
Audio-Visual Anthropology
Indigenous Media studies
Indigenous Cinema in Latin America
Media Anthropology
Affect Theory
Anthropology of Emotion
Documentary Art & Anthroplogy
Collaborative and Participatory Methods
Artistic Research Methods
Sensory Cinema & the Anthropology of the Senses
- Folgt in Kürze
Folgt in Kürze
- Audiovisual Anthropology Workshop: Documentary Film, Podcast and Website Production [080878][ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John] - Audiovisual Anthropology Workshop: Documentary Film, Podcast and Website Production [080884][ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
- Seminar: Decolonial and collaborative Strategies in creative audiovisual Anthropology [088876][ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 105 (2.10) | Thomas John] - Decolonial and collaborative Strategies in creative audiovisual Anthropology [088881][ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
[ - | STU 104 (2.1) | Thomas John]
- Audio-Visual and Public Anthropology: A workshop for documentary film, podcast and website production [086885]
- Audio-Visual and Public Anthropology: A workshop for documentary film, podcast and website production [086878]
- Seminar: Film and audio-visual Media in the Context of political Movements and Activism [084887]
- Film and audio-visual Media in the Context of political Movements and Activism [084888]
- Public and applied anthropology: A workshop for documentary film, podcast and website production [082878]
- Public and applied anthropology: A workshop for documentary film, podcast and website production [082884]
- Seminar: Participatory and Collaborative audio-visual Research Methods and Representation
- Visual Anthropology Documentary Filmmaking Workshop. Portraits of emotional Belonging. [088883]
- Seminar: Participatory and Collaborative audio-visual Research Methods and Representation [086876]
- Participatory and Collaborative audio-visual Research Methods and Representation [086890]
- Sound - Image - Culture: Documentary Film Production in Visual Anthropology [084882]
- Sound - Image - Culture: Documentary Film Production in Visual Anthropology [084890]
- Seminar: Audio-Visual Research Methods and Short Film Production Workshop [082874]
- Audio-Visual Research Methods and Short Film Production Workshop [082885]
- Participatory, collaborative and digital Methods in Visual Anthropology [080889]
- Participatory, collaborative and digital Methods in Visual Anthropology [080882]
- Rituals & Belonging. Field Research and Audio-Visual Methods in Social Anthropology I [088885]
- Where I belong. Portraits zu Belonging (Kurzfilmworkshop) [086883]
- Seminar: Visuelle Anthropologie. Dokumentarfilm Praxis [084878]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland) - Visual Anthropology. Documentary Filmmaking Practice [084888]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland)
- Ton - Bild - Kultur [082879]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland)
- Seminar: Anthropological informed film: audio-visual representation of fieldwork [081069]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland) - Anthropological informed film: audio-visual representation of fieldwork [081080]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland)
- Audio-Visuelle Repräsentation Anthropologischer Feldforschung [089071]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland)
- Seminar: Visuelle Anthropologie [087079]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland) - Visual Anthropology [087089]
(zusammen mit Andreas Samland)
- Seminar: Audio-Visual Anthropology Practice [088906]
- Audiovisual Anthropology Workshop: Documentary Film, Podcast and Website Production [080878]
'Darkmoon' Teaser
M.A. Film (Indigenous Artists, Indigenous Poetry, Young Indigenous Modernity)