
© E22

Felix Mendelssohn's "Elijah" is a gripping drama full of conflict and tension, a powerful opera in the guise of an oratorio. It tells the story of the prophet Elijah, a saint of flesh and blood, who doubts and fights passionately. With over 200 participants, the University Choir and Ensemble 22, together with the Junges Klangforum, bring this Old Testament epic to the big stage. When the full strength of the large choir is not required, because the intimacy of the relationship with God is the theme, Mendelssohn resorts to a reduced instrumentation. Ensemble 22 will perform these pieces as soloists.

June 23rd,  Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Münster, 6pm, 25€ / 10€ discounted / 5€ pupils