3. History





Frigerio, G. 2023. A cognitive analysis of the main Apolline divinatory practices: decoding divination. Routledge monographs in classical studies. Abingdon/New York.

(ISBN 9781032411521)



Husøy, T. A. 2023. From Phocis to Aetolia: Ethnicity and Federalism in Greek Antiquity. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Swansea.

(DOI 10.23889/SUthesis.62811)



Ismard, P. 2023. Le Miroir d’oedipe. Penser l’esclavage. Paris.

(ISBN 9782021538519)



Lucas, T. 2023. L’organisation militaire de la confédération béotienne (447-171 av. J.-C.). Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 401. Athens.

(ISBN 9782869586000).



Nicholson, E. 2023. Philip V of Macedon in Polybius’ Histories: politics, history, and fiction. Oxford. (esp. pp. 157-162)

(ISBN 9780192866769)



Pappas, T. K. 2023. What a Tangled Web they Wove: Network Theory and Aegean Interstate Relations in the Fourth Century BCE. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Indiana. (esp. pp. 33-184)






Efstathiou, A. 2023. “Shifting Political Friendship in Athens in the Age of Demosthenes and Philip II.” In A. Efstathiou, J. Filonik, C. Kremmydas and E. Volonaki (eds.), Friendship in Ancient Greek Thought and Literature. Essays in Honour of Chris Carey and Michael J. Edwards. Leiden: 358-375.



Fragoulaki, M. 2023. “Ethnicity in Thucydides.” In P. A. Low (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Thucydides. Cambridge: 160-176.



Harris, E. 2023. “Presbeis Autokratores: A Study in Ancient Greek Diplomacy and Constitutional Law.” Klio 105: 510-537.



Husøy, T. A. 2023. “Thessaly and the Narratives of Ethnic Identities in Central Greece.” In U. Furlan, T. A. Husøy and H. Bohun (eds.), Narratives of Power in the Ancient World. Newcastle upon Tyne: 154-184.



Lucas, T. and G. Dubach. 2023. “Counting Boiotians: Conscription Lists, Military Forces, and Demography in Hellenistic Boiotia.” Hesperia 92: 481-513.



Müller, C. 2023. “The making of the citizen in Hellenistic poleis.” In J. Filonik, C. Plastow and R. Zelnick-Abramovitz (eds.), Citizenship in antiquity: civic communities in the ancient Mediterranean. Rewriting antiquity. Abingdon/New York: 487-502.



Pagkalos, M. E. 2023. “Politics, Memory and Representation in Early Hellenistic Athens.” Richerche Ellenistiche 4: 9-44.



Pascual, J. 2023. “El debilitamiento de la hegemonía tebana antes de la Tercera Guerra Sagrada.” In A. Díaz Fernández (ed.), Después de Mantinea El mundo griego y Oriente ante el ascenso de Macedonia, Bellaterra. Barcelona: 115-134.



Thomas, D. 2024. “Intransigence and Compromise in Atheno-Theban Diplomacy in the early 360s.” Historia 73: 2-37.



Tufano, S. 2022. “With or without a koinon. The Longue Durée of Two Regional Festivals. I. The Pamboiotia and the Basileia from their Beginnings to the Fourth Century BC.” Hyperboreus 28: 176-195.



Tufano, S. 2023. “With or without a koinon. The Longue Durée of Two Regional Festivals. II. The Pamboiotia and the Basileia from the Hellenistic to the Imperial Period.” Hyperboreus 29: 50-77.



Tufano, S. 2023. “Aimnastos of Plataia and his Family.” Hermes 151: 131-137.



Vliet, van, R. and O. van Nijf. 2023. “Agents of Change around the Valley of the Muses.” In S. Castelli and I. Sluiter (eds.), Agents of Change in the Greco-Roman and Early Modern Periods. Ten Case Studies in Agency in Innovation. Leiden: 70-90.





Börm, H. 2019. Mordende Mitbürger. Stasis und Bürgerkrieg in griechischen Poleis des Hellenismus. Historia Einzelschriften 258. Stuttgart. Reviewed by: Ch. Michels, 2020. Bonner Jahrbücher 219: 467-470.



Evans, R. and S. Tougher (eds.) 2020. Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium. Edinburgh. Reviewed by: C. Vacanti, 2023. The Classical Review 73.2: 566-569.



Harding, P. 2021. Diodoros of Sicily: Bibliotheke Historike. Volume 1. Books 14-15: The Greek World in the Fourth Century BC from the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Death of Artaxerxes II (Mnemon). Cambridge. Reviewed by: P. J. Stylianou, 2023. The Classical Review 73.2: 463-465.



Nicholson, E. 2023. Philip V of Macedon in Polybius’ Histories: politics, history, and fiction. Oxford. Reviewed by: C. Bailey, 2023. Bryn Mawr Classical Review. 10.16. https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2023/2023.10.16/

And M. D’Agostino, 2023. Sehepunkte 23.11.



Pirenne-Delforge, V. and G. Pironti (eds.) 2022. The Hera of Zeus. Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse. Translated by Raymond Guess. Cambridge. Reviewed by: S. Iles Johnston, 2023. The Classical Review 73.2: 667-669.



Sammartano, R. 2020. Alle radici della syngeneia. Parentele etniche nel mondo greco prima della guerra del Peloponneso. Studi di Storia greca e romana 19. Alessandria. Reviewed by: O. Curty, 2023. Sehepunkte 23.11




How to Cite

3. History. (2023). Teiresias Journal Online, 2(2). Retrieved from https://www.uni-muenster.de/Ejournals/index.php/tjo/article/view/5262
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