5. Language and Literature


Ancient Authors



Clayman, D. L. 2022. Callimachus, edited and translated. 3 volumes. Cambridge, MA.

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Fries, A. 2023. Pindar’s First Pythian Ode. Text, Introduction and Commentary. Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 151. Berlin/Boston.

(ISBN 9783111126005)



Helmer, E. 2019. Platon. Ménexène; introduction, nouvelle traduction (texte grec en regard) et commentaire. Paris.

(ISBN 9782711628261)



Levitan, W. and S. Lombardo. 2022. Tales of Dionysus: the Dionysica of Nonnus of Panopolis. Ann Arbor.

(ISBN 9780472133116)



Watanabe, J. and C. Pérez Díaz. 2023. Antigona: a bilingual edition with critical essays. Classics and the postcolonial. Abingdon/New York.

(ISBN 9780367713386)





Brenk, F. E. 2023. Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Edited by L. Roig Lanzilotta. Leiden/Boston.

(ISBN 9789004531956)



David, S. 2023. De Cadmos à Créon: de la Thèbes mythique à la Thèbes tragique. Paris.

(ISBN 9782848678603)



Demulder, B. 2022. Plutarch’s Cosmological Ethics. Leuven.

(ISBN 9789461664518).



Dova, S. 2020. The poetics of failure in ancient Greece. Abingdon/New York.

(ISBN  9781472479112)



Eisenfeld, H. 2022. Pindar and Greek religion: theologies of mortality in the Victory Odes. Cambridge/New York.

(ISBN 9781108831192)



Harman, R. 2023. The Politics of Viewing in Xenophon’s Historical Narratives. London/New York.

(ISBN 9781350159020)



Karakantza, E. D. 2023. Antigone. Gods and heroes of the ancient world. Abingdon/New York.

(ISBN 9781138347823)



Kappelos, A. 2022. The orators and their treatment of the recent past. Trends in classics, supplementary volumes 113. Berlin/Boston.

(ISBN 9783110791815)



Lasine, S. 2023. Divine envy, jealousy, and vengefulness in ancient Israel and Greece. London/New York, esp. chapter 5.

(ISBN 9781032261799)



Lesage Gárriga, L. 2023. Plutarch's Moon. A New Approach to De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 12. Leiden/Boston.

(ISBN 9789004544161)



Michels, J. A. 2022. Agenorid Myth in the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus. A Philological Commentary of Bibl. III.1-56 and a Study into the Composition and Organization of the Handbook. Berlin/Boston, esp. pp. 383-745.

(ISBN 9783110602791)



Pantelia, M. C. 2022. Thesaurus linguae Graecae: a bibliographic guide to the Canon of Greek authors and works. Oakland.

(ISBN 9780520388192)



Radding, J. 2022. Poetry and the polis in Euripidean tragedy. Washington, D.C.

(ISBN 9780674278530)



Roskam, G. 2021. Plutarch. New surveys in the classics 47. Cambridge.

(ISBN 9781009108225)



Scarborough, M. 2023. The Aeolic Dialects of Ancient Greek. A Study in Historical Dialectology and Linguistic Classification. Leiden.

(ISBN 978-90-04-43321-2)



Tsagalis, C. 2022. Early Greek epic: language, interpretation, performance. Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes 138. Berlin/Boston, esp. pp. 209-281.

(ISBN 9783110993721)



Williams, G. 2022. On Ovid’s Metamorphoses. New York.

(ISBN 9780231200707)





Alcaras, A. 2020. “Τέρμα, Frontières et limites dans la troisième Olympique de Pindare.” Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé 2020: 55-75.



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Brenk, F. E. 2023. “‘Most Beautiful and Divine’: Graeco-Romans (Especially Plutarch) and Paul on Love and Marriage.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 262-294.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “‘None Greater than in the Holy City’: Lucian, Pausanias, and Plutarch on Religious.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 180-195.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “‘Searching for Truth?’: Plutarch’s On Isis and Osiris.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 154-179.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “‘In Learned Conversation:’ Plutarch’s Symposiac Literature and the Elusive Authorial Voice.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/ Boston: 21-34.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “A Name by Any Name? The Allegorizing Etymologies of Philo and Plutarch.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 217-243.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Looking at Conjectures (Guesses?) in Plutarch’s Dialogue on Love.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 83-94.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Philo and Plutarch on the Nature of God.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 199-216.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Plutarch and Pagan Monotheism.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 137-153.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Plutarch on the Christians: Why So Silent? Ignorance, Indifference or Indignity?” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 295-313.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Plutarch the Greek in the Roman Questions.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (eds.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 95-109.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Plutarch: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 113-136.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Plutarch’s Flawed Characters: The Personae of the Dialogues.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 3-20.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Plutarch’s Monotheism and the New Testament.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 244-261.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Sliding Atoms or Supernatural Light: Plutarch’s Erotikos and the ‘On Eros’ Literature.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 75-82.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Space, Time, and Language in On the Oracles of the Pythia: 3.000 Years of History, Never Proved Wrong.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 35-46.



Brenk, F. E. 2023. “Voices from the Past: Quotations and Intertextuality: The Oracles at Delphi.” In F. E. Brenk and L. Roig Lanzilotta (ed.), Plutarch on Literature, Graeco-Roman Religion, Jews and Christians. Brill’s Plutarch Studies volume 11. Leiden/Boston: 47-74.



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Levitan, W. and S. Lombardo. 2022. Tales of Dionysus: the Dionysica of Nonnus of Panopolis. Ann Arbor. Reviewed by: L. Miguélez-Cavero. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2023.05.25.



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How to Cite

5. Language and Literature. (2023). Teiresias Journal Online, 2(1). Retrieved from https://www.uni-muenster.de/Ejournals/index.php/tjo/article/view/4962
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