Introductory remarks of the new Editor


Dear readers of the Theologische Revue,

I would like to introduce myself to you as the new editor of this journal: My name is Adrian Wypadlo and since September 2013 I have been professor for New Testament Exegesis at the Catholic Theological Faculty Münster. I received my theological formation beforehand at the Theological Faculty Paderborn and at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen.

My faculty colleagues kindly asked me to take over the position of the editor, starting with this semester. I gladly complied with this wish. In the years ahead I will honestly try to justify the trust placed in me.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my predecessor Prof. Thomas Bremer. He was responsible for this journal over the biblically saturated period of 12 years and made crucial decisions. Only the open-access publication that was completed this year should be emphasized at this moment. I am taking over a well-ordered editorial office!

Our journal lives from the contribution of our readers and reviewers who give this journal content, form and raison d'être. I would be happy if you continue to show interest and trust in our journal.

I am very much looking forward to the constructive exchange and cooperation with you – dear readers and reviewers – in the years ahead!

Adrian Wypadlo