A look back towards the future - from our archives

Sexual Violence in the Catholic Church

"For a long time, sexual violence against children and adolescents was one of the best hidden taboo topics in the Catholic Church and society as a whole [...].” Since 2010, this taboo has been irrevocably broken, as it was summed up by Vanessa Görtz and Marianne Heimbach-Steins in their leading article from 2011. Since then, a broad discussion in society and church has taken place and various books and studies have been published. Therefore, Philipp Müller examines again the topic of sexual violence in the Catholic Church in his current leading article. He presents the perspectives from those affected by sexual violence as well as current studies from various disciplines. At the end of his article he devotes his study to the question of prevention.

With these two leading articles, Theologische Revue offers a comprehensive look at the literature on sexual abuse over the past ten years. Finally, we would like to refer to an anthology that was presented in January this year which focuses on analyzes of sexual violence against minors by priests in order to shed light on "the systemic conditions which could lead to sexual abuse and its cover-up could occur".


Christian-Muslim Relations

In her current leading article Mit der Islamischen Theologie im Gespräch Anja Middelbeck-Varwick highlights some new publications on the field of Christian-Muslim relations. Since the 1980s Theologische Revue has published several critical reviews concerning Islam Theology or the relations between Christians and Muslims, especially after the so called „Regensburg lecture“ of Pope Benedict XVI. In 2013, a great deal of attention was paid to  Mouhanad Khorchide’s Islam ist Barmherzigkeit. Reviewing such a variety of theological books has been and will be an essential part of Theologische Revue’s work – especially in the future.


Seventh Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis

This spring marks the seventh anniversary of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as pope Francis. While Thomas Schüller in our current leading article analyses the pontificate of Francis from the perspective of canon law, the Theologische Revue has already previously critically accompanied the publications dealing with the pontificate of Francis:

Ulrich Ruh's 2015 leading article provided an overview of various new publications, while Ludger Hiepel examined the publication on Francis in the Holy Land. Adrián J. Taranzano set another focus by working out the Francis's effect in his reflections on the 50th anniversary of the Catacomb Pact.

Enjoy looking at the pontificate of Francis from different angles!


History of Theologische Revue 

In the future, we will present here interesting and curious finds from the archives of the Theologische Revue, relating to various subject areas. Celebrating the launch of our online edition, we first take a look back on our own beginnings:

 „In the year 1901 the emerging faculty of theology of the (then) Royal Academy of Münster issued a circular letter ...“ – to quote Arnold Struker in his article on the occasion of the Revue’s 25th anniversary in 1927.

Max Meinertz described on the occasion of the 50th anniversary in 1954 among other things how Pope Pius XI came to the rescue of the Theologische Revue and ensured its continuous publication. Finally Arnold Angenendt, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary in 2002, gave a retrospect of the Revue’s extensive history: beginning with the so called "Kulturkampf" of the 19th century to authors like Walter Kasper or Joseph Ratzinger.

And now it is time for the next step: The publication of the first online issue of Theologische Revue!