Information for Contributors

The Theologische Revue depends on your help to uphold its leading position as a critical Catholic medium for reviews in the field of theology. More than 150 authors from Germany and abroad assist us in evaluating and positioning several hundred new publications in theology and adjacent fields every year.

There are two ways to participate:

1. The editor asks you to review a book directly:

The editor regularly sends out invitations to potential authors to review a specific book. Guidelines for writing a review are provided here. Please send us your review as a word file (.doc, .docx) via email. We ask you to provide an additional pdf, especially if you use Greek or Hebrew characters, to ensure they are displayed correctly. After submission you will receive a confirmation of receipt. The editorial office will then evaluate, proofread, and copy-edit your review. Prior to publication, you will receive galley proofs and be able to make some final changes to the manuscript.

2. You initiate contact and suggest books for review:

Are you interested in publishing a review at our journal? We appreciate suggestions for books that in your opinion are worth reviewing. The selected book should have been published recently and concern a topic relevant for the field of theology or belong to an adjacent field of research, enabling an interdisciplinary view. Your review suggestion will be considered by the editorial office. In case of acceptance, you will receive notice including a recommended length for the review. Normally reviews are 6,000-8,000 characters long (including blanks). If you do not yet own the book, we will order a reviewer’s copy and send it to you. After you receive the book, you have four months to complete the review. Guidelines for writing a review are provided here. After submission you will receive a confirmation of receipt. The editorial office will then evaluate, proofread, and copy-edit your review. Prior to publication, you will receive galley proofs and be able to make small changes to the manuscript.

E-Journal and Print Edition

Since 2020, the Theologische Revue has been published monthly as Open Access e-Journal and bimonthly as print edition published by Aschendorff. Reviews published in either format are subject to the same high-quality standards and will undergo an identical preparation process before publication (proofreading, copy-editing, etc.). The publication date will be set by the editorial office according to technical and content criteria. Every review that has been accepted will be published online. We will try to include all reviews in the print edition as well, but due to limited space this will not always be possible.

Data Privacy Declaration

Our internal data base contains the data necessary for contacting reviewers: name, academic title, (office) address, and contact information. Published reviews include the name and contact information of the author (name, academic title, position and place of employment, email address). By submitting your review you declare your agreement to the publication of these information.