About the Journal

Satura is a student-edited journal founded by students of the English Department of the University of Münster to allow an open ended discourse on subjects in the Humanities. This broad scope allows us to consider all fields, with the potential for further issues to focus on a singular theme viewed from the perspective of a variety of research areas, including linguistics, literary studies, book studies, cultural/political studies, theology, philosophy, and history; as well as perspectives in teaching English as a foreign language. The addition of creative writing to an academic journal allows students to explore additional means of expression. We are proud to publish poems and short stories from students with a broad range of cultural and literary backgrounds. They are carefully crafted pieces that look deep inside human nature and cover the expanse of the world around us.

The purpose of Satura is to provide students at the English Department of the University of Münster the opportunity to have practical experience in working for academic/creative journals, as well as offering a space for students of the Humanities to submit academic papers and creative writing in English for publication. Another aim of Satura is to develop a wide readership, with a further goal of attracting submissions from students outside of the English Department and from universities around the world.

Satura would like to maintain itself as an annual (for now) journal, produced entirely by students, with an online presence via Open Journal Systems as well as a small print run (~100 copies). This serves the purpose of not only preserving the cultural memory of a printed text, but also of reinforcing the role of the book in academic life. It gives Book Studies students in the National and Transnational Studies and British, American and Postcolonial Studies programs the opportunity to play with formats of printing and hands on experience in the material production of texts.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All articles are online available immediately upon publication.