
The editorial team will send a confirmation of the manuscript's acceptance to the corresponding author via email. If the manuscript fulfils the necessary criteria, following peer review, the author will receive a binding confirmation that the manuscript has been accepted or declined. In the case of a declined manuscript, he/she will receive a short explanation from the editor as to the reasons behind the declination.

When a manuscript is accepted, the corresponding author will receive recommendations for improvements to the written text or its content, and/or suggestions for supplements to the manuscript. If this is the case, these should be added as quickly as possible. If the editors add corrections to the text, the author must confirm that these have been accepted.

The resulting version of the text provides the final version, which will then be laid out. The corresponding author will receive a finalized inspection copy to correct as a pdf file via email. In this version final corrections may be made to the content, but not to the layout. When the corrected copy has been sent back this will be taken as an agreement to the publication of the article. If there is no response within two weeks, this should be taken as a sign that the text has been accepted for publication.

The article will be given a DOI and will be published on the internet site from OZeAN. The dates when the article was accepted, peer-reviewed and placed online will be included. The electronic media with which the article was submitted (USB sticks or similar) will be destroyed.