
  • OZeAN
    Vol. 6 (2024)

    Volume 6 of Ozeans begins with conference reports and the publication of the stratified finds from the 2023 campaign at Tell Iztabba. Another paper deals with the portrait types on coins of the emperors Balbinus and Pupienus.

    With this volume we also announce a change of editor. Unfortunately, our founding editor Ulrich Werz passed away in June 2023 (obituary follows in this issue). However, we are delighted to welcome Stefan Krmnicek from Tübingen as our new co-editor and thank him for taking on this task.

  • OZeAN
    Vol. 5 (2023)

    Issue 5 of OZeAN starts with a contribution on new variants of Nabataean coins and some observations on Roman Provincials from Aigeai and Tyre. Further papers deal with the last Roman coloniae in the Middle East, with a Bactrian series of tetradrachms and with methodological considerations on find coins statistics. A contribution on Nikias of Cos deals with his rmarkable coins with portraits. Furthermore the Berlin Münzkabinett reports about its activities in 2021 and 2022 and a project from Tübingen reports about virtual reality visualizations. 

  • Vol. 4 (2022)

    Volume 4 contains iconographic contributions from the field of Greek numismatics (on Gorgoneia and representations of horses) and Roman Provincial coinage (studies on the civic Tyche and the presentation of a new coin type from Cilician Aegeae). There is also a search for a stolen late antique gold coin. Reports on an international numismatic course in Rome ("Faces of Power") and the "Tag der antiken Numismatik" in Münster complete the volume.

  • Vol. 3 (2021)

    The articles in volume 3 range from coins finds from Palestine (Farhi/Larsen; Lichtenberger/Tal; Farhi) and Poland (Bodzek/Bulas/Okońska-Bulas) to the early modern history of science and collecting (Heenes; Tomassoni). Reports from the Münzkabinett Berlin (Weisser/Dahmen/Stoess/Eberhardt/Dornheim/Gürke/Osowski/Pilekić/Berthold/Baars) and from the "Tag der Antiken Numismatik" (Schellig/Steil) complement the academic studies.

  • Vol. 2 (2020)

    The second publication of the Online-Zeitschrift für Antiken Numismatik includes various iconographical studies in the categories coin finds and find material as well as in the history of research and reception studies. In addition, a new approach to automatised "Numismatic Linked Open Data" will be introduced. The rubric "Reports" makes its first appearance: it provides news from numismatic institutions.

  • Vol. 1 (2019)

    The first volume of the new numismatic journal focuses on academic papers, collections of material and reports of new methods for receiving and organising material.