A Find of a Bosporan Coin at Trębaczów, site 2, Kazimierza Wielka District (Poland)





The article is devoted to the find of a bronze coin of Sauromates II, the ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom in the years AD 174/175–210/211, during archaeological research on the Przeworsk Culture settlement (site 2) in Trębaczów, Kazimierza Wielka district. The piece, a so-called »triple sestertius« or drachm, belongs to the second series of bronze coins of the king, dated ca. AD 186–196 (Zograph 1951; Frolova 1997a) or ca. AD 180–192 (Anokhin 1986). It adds to a small group of finds of Bosporan coins minted from the second half of the 1st century BC until the 4th century AD made in the territory of today’s Poland. Previously, six such finds were known. The newly discovered specimen probably found its way to the settlement of the Przeworsk culture in the first half, or the early years of the second half, of the third century AD as a result of contacts among different groups of people living in the Eastern and Central European Barbaricum.




How to Cite

Bodzek, J., Bulas, J., & Oko´nska-Bulas, M. (2021). A Find of a Bosporan Coin at Trębaczów, site 2, Kazimierza Wielka District (Poland). Online Journal for Ancient Numismatics, 3, 83–97. https://doi.org/10.17879/ozean-2021-3685
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