Submissions and Manuscripts

Call for Papers for articles in the yearbook’s open section

The editors of Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften invite you to submit articles to a freely chosen social-ethical topic for publication. The articles will be reviewed anonymously (double blind peer review). In each issue we can publish up to three submissions for the open section. The deadline for the submission of a complete manuscript in English or German is January 31. An editorial decision will be made by mid-April. Every scholar doing research in Christian Social Ethics or in a related domain is invited to apply for publication. The editors particularly welcome manuscript submissions from young researches.

Evaluation of the articles is performed through a blind peer review process, in which the quality of the contributions is guaranteed by professional, anonymous review by two scholars. By offering the opportunity to have you submissions to a freely chosen topic reviewed by representatives of the subject and to publish them, we wish to offer an important service for the scientific community and to sharpen the subject’s profile.

Possible topics

The Jahrbuch publishes contributions to the broad field of social ethics. This includes amongst other topics societal ethics, Christian Social Doctrine, theological social ethics, social philosophy, theories of society, social sciences (sociology; political studies; economics). A central question is how to arrange a good and just society and/or good and just social structures and institutions. For example, social-empirical contributions are possible when they enable dealing with social ethical questions or political challenges.

The yearbook

The “Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften” is the leading publication in (Catholic) Christian Social Ethics in the German speaking theological community. Its focus (topics, authors) is ecumenical, interdisciplinary and international; some articles will be published in English. As a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, the articles in the Jahrbuch are supposed to present social-scientifical and social-philosophical research and political concepts. They consider them regarding their normative implications and/or analyze and evaluate their potential to face societal challenges. As a platform of an interdisciplinary conversation about societal challenges the Jahrbuch aims to unite empirical-sociological and argumentative orientations as well as ethical evaluations. It is supposed to relate a Christian point of view to differing normative orientations in a discursive and critical way.

The Jahrbuch wants to analyze and evaluate societal challenges on an advanced scientific level and in an interdisciplinary exchange. The research concerns questions relevant to social science, social philosophy, and political science.

Additional to the annual thematically specified section which is arranged by the editors, there is a thematically open section. The contributions do not have to be associated to the topic (but they are allowed to). The editors of the Jahrbuch invite you to submit articles to this thematically open section.

The Jahrbuch is published annually. The print version can be purchased or subscribed from Aschendorff-Verlag, Münster, Germany ( The online version ( makes all articles accessible after a period of 12 months. 

Submission and Peer Review

You can apply for publication by submitting a complete manuscript suitable for publication. Only English and German manuscripts which are neither yet published nor submitted for publication in another journal are accepted. Furthermore, please consider the formal guideline for the manuscript design which you find here.

Evaluation of the submitted articles is performed through a blind peer review process, in which the quality of the contributions is guaranteed by professional, anonymous review by two scholars. The following criteria are applied:

  • Originality: How innovative is the contribution?
  • Method and approach: How appropriate is the methodical approach?
  • Representation: How clear and precise is the language?

Based on the reviews, the editor will decide on publication. For the section “research contributions to social ethics”, about three articles will be published in each issue of the Jahrbuch. You can submit your contributions here.

Closing date for submissions

Please submit your contribution by January 31 at the latest, so it can be take into consideration in the same year.