Planetarisches Gemeinwohl
Eine Analyse diskursiver Rahmenstrukturen im Horizont des Anthropozäns
The category of the common good is often used in political and academic discourse on the relationship between humans, society and nature. This is because it can relatively easily include non-human beings. Furthermore, global environmental changes directly jeopardise well-being, while other moral goods such as freedom, justice or democracy are only indirectly afected. Even though the common good is central to the socioecological discourse, it is rarely explicitly addressed. It usually resonates implicitly, and its meaning must be hermeneutically explored. To this end, discursive framework structures are analysed. Key concepts of the socio-ecological discourse, namely sustainability, resilience and the Anthropocene, are analysed for their implications for the common good. Furthermore, ideal-typical roles of humans in the creation of the common good are analysed. The results make it clear that talk of the planetary common good is very presuppositional and that the theoretical foundation is only at the beginning.