Globale Gesundheit und kirchliche Soziallehre

Spurensuche und Impulse


  • Michelle Becka



This article sets out to show where and in what way global health appears in texts of Catholic social teaching and what impulses for global health discourses emerge from them. To this end, fndings from papal encyclicals are presented and interpreted. And two texts from bishops’ conferences are used as examples to illustrate particular emphases. In addition to the theoretical treatment of the topics, a cursory look is also taken at practice, again using an example. The final section outlines the human right to health and shows how it is present in church texts and what impetus it provides. It is then shown that the principles of Catholic social teaching can provide inspiration and correctives for current global health policies. The article concludes that global health only plays a minor role in the texts of Catholic social teaching. Nevertheless, especially in connection with practical experience, impulses can be given as to which normative orientations can also guide current discourses and how practice can be shaped.






topic of the issue – research contributions