Christliche Sozialethik und der Tellerrand

Lokale Kontexte und normativer Anspruch in einer globalisierten Welt


  • Michelle Becka



This article argues that (German-language) social ethics should look beyond its own nose and, in particular, take note of the contexts and theories of the Global South. On the basis of three exemplary fields the difficulties of this undertaking are shown. In dealing with problems of global health, it is shown that local problems and theories are often ignored and reduced to a single story. The example of Buen Vivir illustrates that there is a tendency to hastily devalue theories of the Global South without taking the trouble to understand them. And in the reception of the human rights critique of post- and decolonial theories, the danger is seen of either adopting them in such a way that the normative claim of human rights is abandoned or the justified critique is completely rejected.

In contrast, it is argued that CSE must be sensitive to context and alterity. At the same time, however, the claim to defend well-founded normative claims must not be abandoned. The article discusses whether or how this can succeed, and to this end brings post-decolonial approaches into conversation with alterity philosophical (recognition) approaches.



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