Weinstock, Feigenbaum und göttliche Gerechtigkeit
Biblisch-theologische Skizzen zum Wohnen
God’s and Israel’s dwelling are intrinsically linked through the notion of holiness as well as through the experience of exile, diaspora, slavery and deliverance. Biblical literature shows strategies to cope with the Babylonian exile which implies the parting of God and the temple in Jerusalem. More and more God’s dwelling gets personified. Dwelling is always linked to wandering and movements of migration. In all periods of Israel’s history the concept of dwelling is bound to claims of justice. A central duty of the king as a guarantor of justice ist to ensure, that people can live in security – all of them under their vines and fig trees (1 Kgs 4:25). And for the people of Israel, living in the promised land demands efforts of justice, which contain implementing the commandments of the Torah.