Quo vadis Wohnungspolitik?

Herausforderungen und Antworten am Fallbeispiel Wiens


  • Gerlinde Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald




Due to the large share of social housing, the high quality and affordability of housing, Vienna's housing policy often is considered as a role model. However, housing in Vienna is not affordable for everyone. Vulnerable groups often are stuck to the most expensive market segment, the private rent with temporary contracts. Also, a decrease in the socio-spatial mix can be observed. Two causes are identified for this development: on the one hand, the financialisation of the housing market, which has led to a dynamic development of demand and prices, and on the other hand, a conflict of goals between the utilitarian and the social justice concept within housing policy. The conclusion reads "Polis semper reformanda est": policy always needs to adapt. It is not enough to defend the valuable heritage of a large de-commodified housing sector. Additionally, new alliances need to be formed to reverse the re-interpretation of Housing from a financial product back to a basic need, and to make housing accessible and affordable for all.



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topic of the issue – overture
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