20 Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung der „Sozialkonzeption“ der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche

Bleibende Leerstelle zwischen Moral und Politik.


  • Regina Elsner




Twenty years ago, the Russian Orthodox Church published its “Foundations of a Social Concept” and thus for the first time in the history of Orthodoxy offered a basic socio-ethical document. The ecumenical and Orthodox expectations of the further development of the theological approaches to modern society were high. This paper argues that, as has been the case twice in Russian history in the 20th century, socio-political circumstances prevented further development of social ethics for the time being. The historically dominant focus towards the state and orientation towards the moral life of the individual leads to a disregard of the civil society that has emerged between state and private since 1990. This tendency is reinforced by the current state policy of oppression of civil society. However, the situation in Ukraine and the emergence of "political theology" proof, that Russian Orthodox theology potentially has other options for action.



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research contributions to social ethics
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