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Author Guidelines

Thank you for considering Archive of Orofacial Data Science for the publication of your research. To streamline the submission process and ensure a rigorous peer review, we have established specific guidelines for authors. Please adhere to the following steps:

  1. Initial submission. For the initial submission of a contribution, a complete manuscript is not required. Please prepare only one DIN A4 title page with the following content. 
    • Title: Clearly and concisely state the title of your research.

    • Authors: Include the names, affiliations, and contact details of all authors.

    • Abstract: Submit a comprehensive abstract outlining the key objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your research.

    • File formats: Preferred file formats are .pdf, .txt or .rtf.

  2. Peer Review Initiation: Decision and Next Steps. Once the editorial team has assessed the suitability of your initial submission, and a decision to initiate peer review is made, you will be notified promptly. At this stage:

    • Authors will receive a standardized manuscript template and a tutorial guide for full text preparation.

    • The tutorial guide is available here (PDF, 6MB).
    • The manuscript template is available here (ZIP, 0.5MB).
    • Strictly adhere to the provided template for preparing the full text of your manuscript. This ensures uniformity and facilitates the review process.

    • Refer to the tutorial guide for detailed instructions on formatting, citation styles, and other essential elements. It is imperative to follow these guidelines for a smoother editorial review.

    •  If you encounter any challenges during the manuscript preparation, do not hesitate to contact the editorial office for assistance.

We appreciate your commitment to maintaining the highest standards in research and publication. By following these guidelines, you contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the peer review process, ensuring a fair evaluation of your work. We look forward to receiving your submission and working together to advance scientific knowledge.

Research article

We appreciate your interest in submitting your research articles to our journal. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Scope: Ensure your article aligns with our journal's scope and focus. Please review our "About" section on the journal website.

  2. Originality: Your research should be novel and present significant contributions to the field.

  3. Structure: Follow our article structure guidelines, including Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusion, and References.

  4. Citations: Cite all relevant sources accurately and provide a comprehensive reference list. Ensure that you adhere to ethical citation practices.

  5. Formatting: Use the Arch Orofac Data Sci template for consistent formatting and adhere to word limits and style guidelines.

  6. Ethics: Ensure compliance with ethical standards, including data integrity and authorship guidelines.

Literature Review

As you prepare your scientific literature review for submission to our journal, we want to emphasize key points to ensure the quality and impact of your work:

    1. Clear Research Focus: Define a well-defined research question or objective to guide your review. Your review should provide a comprehensive overview of existing literature related to this topic.

    2. Inclusion Criteria: Clearly state the criteria you used to select the papers included in your review, including publication dates, sources, and study designs.

    3. Critical Analysis: Analyze and critique the selected literature. Highlight strengths, limitations, gaps, and methodological quality of the studies reviewed.

    4. Synthesis of Findings: Summarize the main findings and trends in the literature. Identify consensus and areas of disagreement among studies.

    5. Citations: Cite all relevant sources accurately and provide a comprehensive reference list. Ensure that you adhere to ethical citation practices.

    6. Formatting: Use the Arch Orofac Data Sci template for consistent formatting and adhere to word limits and style guidelines.

    7. Ethics: Ensure compliance with ethical standards, including data integrity and authorship guidelines.

Invited Paper

An invited paper for the Journal Archive of Orofacial Data Science represents a distinguished contribution to the field of orofacial data science that is recognized and sought after by the editorial board. Unlike regular submissions, an invited paper is extended as an exclusive opportunity to researchers, scholars, or professionals who have demonstrated exceptional expertise and impact in the realm of orofacial data science.

Being invited to submit a paper to our journal signifies acknowledgment of an individual's significant influence and outstanding work within the field. The selection process for invited papers is meticulous, taking into consideration the author's expertise, previous contributions, and the potential for the proposed manuscript to make a substantial impact on orofacial data science.

Invited papers often originate from leaders and innovators in the orofacial data science community, including individuals whose research has shaped the direction of the field or produced groundbreaking insights. The intention behind inviting these distinguished authors is to showcase cutting-edge research, foster collaboration, and provide our readership with access to the latest advancements in orofacial data science.


The primary objective of editorials in Archive of Orofacial Data Science is to provide insightful commentary, critical analysis, and thought leadership on contemporary issues within the scope of the respective journal. Editorials aim to enhance the scholarly discourse by offering perspectives that stimulate intellectual engagement and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.