Publishing at Münster University

Your publication – Our offer

The world of publishing has become diverse – printed, electronic or even hybrid!
Münster University offers its members various options for publishing research results and multimedia works. In doing so, it pursues the goal of sustainably supporting research and teaching in the sense of Open Science [de] and good scientific practice.

Our publication series

Authors at the University have the opportunity to publish their book in a digital Open Access version as well as in a classic print edition in accordance with the Berlin Declaration. The digital version is available worldwide and free of charge on the University publication server miami. The inexpensive print edition, which is available in bookshops, offers the possibility of convenient intensive reading. This combines the advantages of both publication channels.

In cooperation with our printing and distribution partner, who produces the printed version, the ULB Münster publishes the following open access publication series:

Hybrid publishing – two publication channels, double advantages

A hybrid publication, which is available both electronically and in print, combines the advantages of the two ways of publication: fast and free availability and the high circulation of digital Open Access publications with the possibility of convenient intensive reading of printed works. Studies show that the dissemination and reception of a publication increase significantly through hybrid publishing.

The ULB strongly recommends the publication of the associated digital research data and additional materials for the purpose of sustainable support of Open Access and Open Science.


The Service Point for Publications is a member of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Universitätsverlage (AG Universitätsverlage). The working group is an association of institutional publication service providers in German speaking countries, which support open science. All members are connected to an academic institution and offer professional publishing services. The membership criteria include especially quality assurance according to academic standards and the support of Open Access.
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