Fundamente liberalen und republikanischen politischen Denkens: Subjektivistische und objektivistische Grundannahmen in Theorien der 'Civil Society'
Political Theory, Philosophy, Liberalism, Republicanism, Civil SocietySynopsis
Today, we find various political claims, made in the name of freedom, justice, or the public good. Public discourse can no longer be broken down into clear cut partisan positions. The same is true for Political Theory. Here, too, different understandings of basic terms lead to a variety of political claims. Liberalism and Republicanism are the longest-serving traditions of thought, but for this very reason appear to be heterogeneous. Their limits are highly disputed. This problem shall be tackled by adapting a methodological approach from theoretical philosophy. While liberal or republican traits of a political theory, or claim may be disputable, the question of the subjectivity or objectivity of a phenomenon is a decidable one. This fact is used to analyze political theories and claims. Thereby the existence of a highly relevant connection between subjectivism and liberalism as well as between objectivism and republicanism is proven.
978-3-487-16681-0 (print edition Georg Olms Publishers)
978-3-8405-0287-3 (electronic version)
Paperback, XI, 494 pages
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