Arabische Einflüsse im Schaffen Béla Bartóks


Rommel Ayoub


arabische Musik, arabische Musiktheorie, arabische Kultur, János Kárpáti, arabische Einflüsse, Béla Bartók, Arabic music theory, Arab culture, Arab influences, Klaus Huber, Arabic music


The fact that Béla Bartók (1881-1945) was fascinated by Arabic music after several study trips through the Middle East and North Africa cannot be doubted, but on the other hand should not be overestimated. The Jordan-born author of this dissertation proves a qualified expert on the subject, in contrast to previous undoubtedly respectable publications. This dissertation, which was adopted in 2018 by the faculty of philosophy at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, aims to intensively question Bartók’s work ethnologically and analytically. In particular, against the background that Bartók, despite all his efforts, only achieved a transfer of quartertone intervals and Maqamat modes to the European notation system only to a very limited extend. In addition, the author certainly makes a significant contribution to music-ethnological research. A preliminary introduction to the peculiarities of Arabic music theory proves to be a fundamental source of information in this context.


978-3-8405-0201-9 (first published by readbox unipress)
978-3-487-16268-3 (reprint by Georg Olms Publishers)

Paperback, II, 309 pages

Cover Arabische Einflüsse im Schaffen Béla Bartóks


May 16, 2019