Kunst und Recht: Leitfaden für Künstlerinnen und Künstler


Art Law, Copyright, Copyright Law, Handbook, Guide, Law in Practice, Droit de l'art, Manuel


This guide is aimed at young artists and those who wish to gain a first insight into key aspects of applied art law. It offers a thorough orientation in the areas of copyright and contractual copyright law as well as an introduction to complementary topics such as personal rights and data protection law, the legal framework of artistic self-employment and social insurance for artists. In a clear and understandable style which reflects the perspective of an up-and-coming artist, it addresses subjects such as the protection of art under copyright law, the commercialisation of art and its legal framework under typical contracts from the art world and the legal boundaries of artistic creation. Updated to 2024, it also considers the extensive copyright reform that was implemented in 2021 and highly topical issues such as digital distribution channels or AI. As a valuable reference work, it thus serves as preparation for and support in the professional reality of artists.

XV, 257 pages

URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-25918676441
DOI: 10.17879/25918676124



Print edition
Kunst und Recht : Leitfaden für Künstlerinnen und Künstler / Thomas Hoeren und Marie-Therese Wirtz. – 2nd rev. & ext. ed. – Münster : LIT Verlag, 2024. – XV, 257 pages. (Wissenschaftliche Schriften der Universität Münster : Reihe III; Bd. 53), ISBN 978-3-643-15635-8, price €39,90


Zweite überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage | Second revised and extended edition

Erste Auflage erschien 2018 | First edition published in 2018: https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-07149493546, http://doi.org/10.17879/24978457933.

Cover Kunst und Recht


