Piety and Worldliness: University Philosophy in Münster
From the very beginning, philosophy was practised and taught at the University of Münster between the poles of piety and worldliness. If, on the one hand, it is piety towards the Christian religion, which in Münster is primarily Catholic, and respect for the historicity of human thought and human existence in general that characterise philosophy at Münster University, its history also documents ever new facets of philosophical reference to the world – and an astonishing openness to new impulses, such as those emanating from formal logic, analytical philosophy and the renewal of practical philosophy in the twentieth century.
On the occasion of the opening of the new Philosophikum at the University of Münster, this volume comprises several studies on the history of philosophy at Münster's University, from the founding of the university in 1780 to the separation of the natural sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy in 1948 and on the three philosophers who had a lasting influence on Münster's university philosophy in the twentieth century: Heinrich Scholz, Joachim Ritter and Hans Blumenberg.
Published 2020 by Brill/Mentis. ISBN: 978-3-95743-757-0