Joint Institute for Conflict Analysis, Conflict Regulation and Democratic Education (CONCREDE)

The Joint Institute for Conflict Analysis, Conflict Regulation and Civic Education (Concrede) was jointly founded by the Universities of Duisburg-Essen and Münster in 2023 to provide a common umbrella and forum for a variety of research projects and scholars from both universities who study conflicts in pluralist societies.

The researchers involved in Concrede come from the humanities, social sciences and education. They share a common interest in the theoretical and empirical analysis of conflicts in contemporary pluralist societies and in possible ways of regulating them. Concrede focusses specifically on institutions and processes of socialisation and education, since both are understood as sites of the (re)production of conflict, but also as possible points of intervention for conflict regulation.

The establishment of Concrede as a virtual institute is intended to facilitate interdisciplinary and inter-university cooperations and to make research results more widely accessible to the public.

© Donahue

New Fellow: Prof. William Donahue (University of Notre Dame, Indiana)

From May to July 2024, Professor William Collins Donahue will be a Visiting Fellow at the Research Network "Cultures of Compromise" and the "Agonistic Plurality"-Project.

Prof. Donahue is Cavanaugh Professor of Humanities at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana (USA), where his research interests include German Studies, Contemporary European Studies, Holocaust Studies and German-Jewish Studies in the College of Arts and Letters. He has been a guest at the UDE on several occasions and edits the yearbook "andererseits: Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies" together with Prof. Georg Mein and Prof. Rolf Parr.

You can contact Professor Donahue here: 

For more information please visit the "Cultures of Compromise"

© Christian Thein

Lecture series "School Education and Antisemitism Prevention" (in German)

Christian Thein, Ludger Hiepel and Regina Grundmann are organising a lecture series on "School education and Antisemitism Prevention" (in German) this summer. You can find the full programme here. Please register by email at

© Le Figaro

Interview with Prof. Dr Ulrich Willems in “Le Figaro”

The French daily Le Figaro has published a commentary on the current practice of compromise in Germany. The article is based on an interview with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems by the journalist Pierre Avril (Le Figaro correspondent in Berlin). Read the article here (French language).

© Concrede

International Workshop: „Compromise in PLural Worlds"

On 7 and 8 March 2024, the conference "Compromise in Plural Worlds" took place in Essen, organised by Dr Jan-Hendryk de Boer, Mariko Jacoby and Dr Manon Westphal. Speakers from Japan, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany from the fields of history, literature, sociology and political science were invited. The key question was what role compromises played in Japan at different times and in different constellations. Preliminary results of the discussion can be found on the website of the "Cultures of Compromise" research network. The full programme of the workshop is available here.

© privat

Münster and Essen host Daniel Bar-Tal

From 22 to 25 January 2024, Prof. em. Daniel Bar-Tal (School of Education/Tel Aviv University) will teach a master class for students and present his new monograph at the University of Münster. At the University of Duisburg-Essen, a workshop offers further exchange concerning his research.