Are you interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis?
We have topics in the following areas
1) Switchable functional materials and
2) Transport measurements in battery electrolytes.
Please feel free to contact me at schoenho [at]
PhD position in NMR of battery electrolytes:
University of Münster, Institute of Physical Chemistry (TV-L E13, 67% for 3 years).
The project employs NMR studies of ion transport (diffusion, migration) in battery electrolytes to elucidate charge transport mechanisms. You will perform multinuclear NMR (1H, 7Li, 19F) pulsed field gradient experiments, and jointly with electrochemists you will contribute to fitting and modelling a jointly derived database within the theory of ion correlations. The goal is to achieve in-depth understanding of dynamic processes in highly concentrated systems and to provide guidelines for optimization of charge transport in battery electrolytes. You will receive thorough training in state-of-the-art NMR transport methods, and be integrated into a dedicated project team between two universities. The position is funded by a DFG project.
Further information and application here: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (E 13 TV-L) | Universität Münster | 2890
If you have any questions, please contact: Prof. Monika Schönhoff ( Application deadline: 08/01/2025.
Lecturer position/ Akademische/r Rat/Rätin
Zum 1.9.2025 möchten wir die Position eines akademischen Rats/einer akademischen Rätin in der Arbeitsgruppe Schönhoff besetzen (Nachfolge C. Cramer-Kellers). Wir suchen eine Persönlichkeit mit Kompetenz in der Forschung an Polymeren und Nanostrukturen , gerne mit NMR-Hintergrund, und vor allem mit Freude und an der grundständigen Lehre der Physikalischen Chemie!
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Stellenausschreibung:
Akademische Rätin / Akademischer Rat (Bes.Gr. A 13 LBesO) | Universität Münster | 3046