Die Arbeitsgruppe befasst sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer
Cisplatin-Analoga mit tertiären Aminliganden sowie deren Test auf
Antitumoraktivität. Untersucht werde die Wechselwirkungen dieser potentiellen
Cytostatika mit Nucleosiden, methylierten Nucleobasen und DNA-Einzelstrang-
sowie Doppelstrangfragmenten in Lösung und im Feststoff mit Hilfe der
multinuclearen NMR-Spektroskopie und der Röntgenstrukturanalyse.

- S. Fakih, W. C. Tung, D. Eierhoff, C. Mock, B. Krebs
"Dinuclear and Mononuclear Platinum(II) and Palladium(II)
Complexes with modified 2,2´-Dipyridylamine Ligands Featuring
a Cisplatin Analogous Structure Motif"
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2005, 631, 1397.
- H. U. V. Gerth, A. Rompel, B. Krebs, J. Boos, C. Lanvers-Kaminsky
"Cytotoxic effects of novel polyoxotungstates and a platinum compound
on human cancer cell lines"
Anti-Cancer Drugs 2005, 16, 101.
- T. Ludwig, S. Fakih, B. Krebs und H. Oberleitner
"Platinum Complex Cytotoxity tested by the Electrical Resistance Breakdown Assay"
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2004, 14, 425.
M. J. Rauterkus, B. Krebs
"Fünfkernige Platin(II)-Makrocyklen mit Nucleobasen"
Angew. Chem. 2004, 116, 1321 "Pentanuclear Platinum(II) Macrocycles with Nucleobases"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 1300
- B. Krebs, M. J. Rauterkus
"A Cisplatin Analogue with 2,2´-Dipyridylketone Ligand:
Cytotoxity and Interaction with DNA Constituents"
J. Inorg. Biochem. 2003, 96, 171
- M. J. Rauterkus, I. Puscasu, S. Fakih und B. Krebs
"Cisplatin Analogues with 2,2`-Dipyridylamine Ligands and
their Reactions with DNA Nucleobases"
Inorg. Chim. Acta 2003, 350, 355
- Michael J. Rauterkus, Ina Puscasu and Bernt Krebs
"Head-to-Head and Head-to-Tail binding of a Pd(II)-methylthyminato
complex: crystal structures and solution behaviour of a novel
cisplatin analogue"
Inorg. Chim. Acta 2002, 339, 438
- M. J. Rauterkus, I. Puscasu, C. Mock, G. Tallen, J. E. Wolff
u. B. Krebs
"Cytotoxity and X-ray structure analysis of novel cisplatin
J. Inorg. Biochem. 2001, 86, 394
- C. Mock, I. Puscasu, M. J. Rauterkus, G. Tallen, J. E. A. Wolff
u. B. Krebs
"Novel Pt(II) anticancer agents and their Pd(II) analogues:
syntheses, crystal structures, reactions with nucleobases and
Inorg. Chim. Acta 2001, 319, 109
- I. Puscasu, C. Mock, M. Rauterkus, A. Röndigs, G. Tallen,
S. Gangopadhyay, J. E. A. Wolff u. B. Krebs
"Novel platinum(II) complexes with dipyridyl containing ligands
and their products with the model nucleobases 1-methylthymine
and 1-methyluracil"
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2001, 627, 1292
- S. B. Gangopadhyay, A. Röndigs, B. Krebs u. J. E. A. Wolff
"Cellular Accumulation Determines the Activity of Three Novel
Platinum Agents"
Anticancer Res. 2001, 21, 2039
- N. Moeller, B. S. Kangarloo, I. Puscasu, C. Mock, B. Krebs
u. J. E. A. Wolff
"Rational Design of Platinum Chemotherapeutic Drugs: Hydrophobicity
increases Cytotoxity"
Anticancer Res. 2000, 20, 4435
- Tallen G., Mock, C. Gangopadhyay, S. B. Kangarloo B. Krebs
B., Wolff J. E. A.
"Overcoming Cisplatin Resistance: Design of Novel Hydrophobic
Platinum Platinum Compounds"
Anticancer Res. 2000, 20, 445
- Tallen G., University of Calgary, AB, Canada; Mock C., University
of Muenster, Germany; Gangopadhyay S., Calgary; Krebs B., Muenster;
Wolff J. E. A., Calgary
"Overcoming Cisplatin Resistance: Rational Design of New
Platinum Agents"
Medical & Pediatric Oncology 1999, 33, 139
- N. Paschke, A. Röndigs, H. Poppenborg, J. E. A. Wolff
u. B. Krebs
"Reaction of the diaqua(2-(pyridin-2yl)-2-oxazoline)platinum(II)
and -palladium(II) dication with the model nucleobases 1-methylthymine
and 1-methyluracil: Syntheses, spectroscopic properties and X-ray
crystal structures"
Inorg. Chim. Acta 1997, 264, 239
- S. Karentzopoulos, H. Engelking, B. Bremer, N. Paschke u. B.
"First Example of a cis-Platinum-Analogue with Two Directly
Bridged Imidazoles: Pt(mimim)Cl2.Et4NCl"
Acta Cryst. 1997, C53, 172
- M. J. Bloemink, H. Engelking, S. Karentzopoulos, B. Krebs u.
J. Reedijk
"Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Antitumor Activity and DNA-Binding
Properties of the New Active Pt Compound (Bis-(N-methylimidazol-2-yl)carbinol)dichloro-platinum(II),
Lacking a NH Moity, and of the Inactive Analog (Bis(N-methyl-imidazol-2-yl)dichloroplatin(II)"
Inorg. Chem. 1996, 35, 619
- H. Engelking u. B. Krebs
"Dinuclear nucleobase-anion-bridged complexes of Pd(II) and
Pt(II) with 1-methylimidazol-2-yl-pyridin-2-yl-ketone: synthesis,
crystal structure and solutionbehavior"
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1996, 2409
- M. J. Bloemink, H. Engelking, N. Gütschow, S. Karentzopoulos,
B. Krebs u. J. Reedijk
"The X-Ray Structure, Antitumor Activity and DNA-Binding
Properties of the New Pt Bis-(imidazol-2-yl) Compounds Lacking
a NH Moiety"
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1995, 59, 222