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Fascination Boron Chemistry

Few elements evoke such a divisive reaction as the element Boron, which rapidly earned it the status of “enfant terrible”1 in the world of chemistry: As the smallest semi-metal, Boron distinctly distinguishes itself from its neighboring elements in the periodic table, often defying the octet rule, and regularly exhibiting anything but common behavior. Nevertheless, its multifaceted chemistry unlocks numerous possibilities that would be inconceivable with other elements. Coupled with its intriguing synthetic chemistry, Boron and its compounds stand as one of the most astonishing elements in the realm of chemistry.

We, too, are dedicated to the task of delving deeper into Boron Chemistry, aspiring to elevate this “Tausendsassa” to the rightful throne of the periodic table.2

We are continually seeking enthusiastic students who can envision themselves undertaking research in this field for their thesis. We value diversity and particularly encourage applications from candidates from under-represented groups. If you are interested, please feel free to get in touch with me at (hebenbro@uni-muenster.de).



1 Peter Paetzold, "Neues vom Bor und seinen Verbindungen", Chemie in unserer Zeit 1975, 9, 76.
2 cum grano salis