
The Cells in Motion (CiM) Interfaculty Centre brings together and supports researchers from medicine, biology, chemistry, pharmacy, mathematics, computer science and physics who join forces to work on a big topic: They investigate how cells behave in organisms. To this end, they employ and develop innovative imaging methods. Our interfaculty network is the centrepiece of the University of Münster’s research focus in “cell dynamics, inflammation and imaging”.

© Uni Münster - Michael Kuhlmann

The exhibition inVISIBLE opens at the Multiscale Imaging Centre

Presenting 24 images of cells, tissue and organisms, scientists at the Multiscale Imaging Centre of the University of Münster offer insights into their research. Additionally, a twelve-metre-high wall  installation sheds light on biomedical imaging from an artistic perspective. The exhibition opening, featuring tours with scientists, will take place on 2 February (Sunday). On 4 and 11 February, light projections on the artwork can be experienced.

© MPI Münster - Vishal Mohanakrishnan

Specialized vasculature: Hidden architects of long bone remodeling

A research team headed by biochemist Prof Ralf Adams has discovered a new type of capillary that is involved in bone remodeling: Type R capillaries. These are a special, physiologically important group of blood vessels that are essential for maintaining healthy bones throughout adulthood and especially during the aging process. The study has been published in the journal “Nature Cell Biology”.

Pilot projects: Apply now!

In interdisciplinary teams, doctoral researchers and postdocs can now apply for funding for their first own research projects.