Schlagwort-Archive: Amity Institute

My Time in Milwaukee – Wrapping up an Amazing Experience

My time in Milwaukee is coming to an end. What an amazing time it has been! It is time to recapitulate my whole visit now. It is incredible how time flies by when you enjoy the experience. The city, my host family, the friends I have made – I am going to miss all of it.

My Time in Milwaukee – Wrapping up an Amazing Experience weiterlesen

Everyday Culture – The Daily Life of Americans

Now that I have already been here for a couple of months, I feel able to give a short summary of the daily life of Americans. Before I came here, I had thought that American culture was not that different to German culture. Certainly, there are definitely countries in the world, where you would rather expect a culture shock. Indeed, the difference between American and German culture and the daily lives is not that big at first sight. However, there are multiple little differences I will try to explain now.

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